Monday, August 8, 2016

Living Life to the Fullest!

During the past two weeks, I have had the opportunity to travel to Couzmel, Mexico, Grand Caymon Islands, and LA. I'm so in love with this world and it's beauty. All I keep thinking about is how WONDERFUL God is and I am blessed to call him FATHER.

I'm looking forward to continuing to travel the breadth and width of this nation (and all around the world). My sister and I have been living out our childhood dreams through our traveling adventures. These last few weeks have been so blistful.

The highlights of the week include: going to Disneyland, seeing a taping of Jeopardy, and attending the Adele concert at the Staples Center. Also, I loved flying on Alaska Airlines! They have the best customer service.  I love my life!

I'm globe trotter so next year's plans are already underway! Here I come Essence Festival 2017. I'm also looking forward to booking an international vacation.

I'm living this life to the FULLEST!
